10 Aug

 South India Auction Offered Quantity 

 Week 33  Week 32

 Leaf: 1.72 Mkgs. Leaf: 1.97 Mkgs. 

 Dust: 1.93 Mkgs. Dust: 1.27 Mkgs.

Cochin: - Good demand

Dust : . Better type teas dearer USC5 to USC8.Finer grades were dearer USC8 to USC14. Medium and plainer types dearer USC8 to USC11 and more on finer grades.

Buying pattern :Packeters, internals were active. Exporters were very selective.

Orthodox LeafGood demand.

High Grown: High growns were irregular.

Medium: Medium types were dearer USC8 to USC13 and sometimes more except OPAL,OP ,GFOP,TFBOP which were barely steady. Some secondary sorts remained unsold.

 Buying pattern: Packeters, internals and exporters were active.


Leaf: Good demand. 

Best types were irregularly dearer. Bright liquoring teas were barley steady at last week prices. Some blacker types were dearer USC3 to USC8..Medium types were steady except BOPL which were dearer by USC5 to USC8. Plainer types were steady to dearer USC2 to USC5.

. Buying pattern: Packeters, internals and exporters were active.

.Dust: Good demand.

Best types were irregularly dearer. Bright liquoring teas were barely steady, except blacker type dearer USC7 to USC12.

Medium and Plainer types were barely steady except finer grades which were dearer USC8 to USC12 and sometimes more.

Buying pattern: Packeters, internals active and Exporters were active.

Crop: Upcoming week’s quantity is higher.