23 Jul

Tea Market Report Sale 28-2020


BP1 : East strongly following quality dearer 2/35 cts and sometimes more,

good leaf and liquor West dearer 2/16 cts others easier 2/6 cts,

Nandi dearer 6/12 cts, Limuru firm to dearer 8 cts, good leaf and liquor

Kericho firm to dearer 8 cts others easier 2/6 cts, Uganda dearer 2/14 cts.

PF1 : East dearer 2/10 cts, West irregularly dearer 2/10 cts to easier 2/8 cts,

Nandi dearer 4 cts, Limuru mostly firm, Kericho and Uganda steady to easier 2/8 cts

with selected lines dearer 2/4 cts on quality.

PD : East dearer 4/16 cts, West dearer 2/14 cts, Nandi easier 3/5 cts, Limuru steady

to 2/4 cts easier, Kericho and Uganda steady to easier 2/8 cts.

D1 : East dearer 2/20 cts, West firm to dearer 2/15 cts, Nandi easier 6 cts, Limuru easier 4 cts,

Kericho and Uganda steady to easier 2/7 cts.

Pakistan very active, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS strong, Sudan very active, Yemen and other Middle East strong, Egypt active, UK selective.




PF : Limuru firm, Kericho easier 4 cts, Uganda easier 6 cts.


FNGS : East dearer 40 cts and more, West dearer 30 cts, Limuru firm, Kericho easier 5 cts,

Uganda easier 8/10 cts.

DUSTS : East easier 6 cts, West firm to dearer 4 cts, Nandi easier 5 cts, Kericho easier 4/6 cts,

Uganda easier 3 cts.

UK active, Karachi fairly active, Sudan selective, CIS selective, Middle East selective, Somalia fairly active.

Tea Market Report Sale  29-2020



BP1 : East dearer 5 cts, West dearer 10/14 cts, Nandi easier 14 cts, Kericho dearer 4 cts,

Uganda dearer 4 cts.

PF1 : East dearer 6 cts, West firm, Nandi dearer 4 cts, Limuru steady to easier 3 cts,

Kericho steady to easier 3 cts, Uganda dearer 3 cts.

PD : East firm to dearer 2 cts, West steady to easier 4 cts, Nandi and Limuru easier 4/6 cts,

Kericho easier 2/4 cts, Uganda dearer 2 cts.

D1 : East firm to dearer 2 cts, West dearer 4/6 cts, Nandi and Limuru dearer 2 cts,

Kericho easier 2 cts, Uganda dearer 4 cts.




FNGS : Selected good quality East/West F1 firm to dearer 5/40 cts others easier 2/10 cts,

Nandi N/A, selected Limuru and Kericho firm to dearer 2/6 cts others easier 2/10 cts,

Uganda firm to dearer 2/15 cts.

DUSTS : East/West Dust firm to dearer 2/10 cts, Nandi easier 9 cts, Limuru steady to easier 2/6 cts,

Kericho and Uganda firm to dearer 2/8 cts.

Sudan, UK strong on quality, Pakistan Packers, Yemen active on types, Egypt selective, Somalia very active on the lower end of the market.