20 Aug

DUST Grades

Offerings: 50,941 packages (377m/kgs) 16.61% were neglected,

The Best PDUSTs on offer met improved inquiry at firm to USC24 above previous levels closely following quality but a few lines eased up to USC11 with Brighter varieties well-competed for and gained USC28 - USC34. Medium types appreciated by USC3 - USC26 but some invoices shed up to USC4 while Lower Medium categories saw an irregular interest varying between steady to USC2 dearer to easier by up to USC4 with Plainer descriptions firm to USCS above last prices but a few invoices were unsold. Best DUST1s in the market appreciated by USC8 - USC16 with quality while Brighter sorts advanced by USC8 - USC30 following quality. Mediums held firm to USCS7 easier with Lower Medium sorts irregular ranging between steady to USC12 above previous prices to easier by up to USCB and some invoices were unsold. Plainer categories appreciated by USC8 - USC14 with a few teas remaining without bids.

Secondary Grades

Offerings: 20,900 packages (1,039,061.00 kilos) with 20.77% remaining without bids.

In the Secondary Catalogues, BPs were firm with PFs dearer. Clean well sorted coloury Fannings gained with similar DUSTs firm. Other Fannings held value with similar DUSTs easier. BVFs were well absorbed


Kazakhstan and other CIS states lent strong support and were dominant with increased and strong inquiry from Pakistan Packers. There was strong interest from Afghanistan and Sudan while Yemen, other Middle Eastern countries and Russia showed useful activity. Egyptian Packers were active but at lower levels while UK were active but selective with Bazaar selective. Iran were quieter with reduced support from Local Packers. Somalia were active at the lower end on the market.